Give yourself (and your team) a new start in 2022!
If you’re like most leaders right now, you are tired, overwhelmed, maybe even burnt out.
This pandemic has really done a number on our sense of “team.” With the majority of our workforce working remotely, it can add an extra level of difficulty when trying to get your team back on track after such a turbulent couple of years.
Many leaders are also experiencing turnover, frustrated or disengaged team members, and more than normal conflict. Some companies have even noticed a declining presence of empathy and a lack of trust in their employees. So on top of a disgruntled, frustrated workforce, they also are not cutting others a break that are having a similar experience.
How do we bring our teams back together, give them the boost they need and create comradery? How do we encourage teamwork in a team that may be just about ready to quit?
Here are 5 ways you can start the new year fresh, reengage your team and get everyone working together. These tips can be applied even if you aren’t in a leadership position. Show that you are a leader by leading the way to a better year in 2022!
Bring a positive attitude to work every day. Even when you are not feeling that positive attitude yourself. Say something encouraging to your team as soon as you walk through the door, and no matter what challenges are thrown at you throughout the day, meet them with optimism and enthusiasm. A positive attitude is contagious. Your team will start to feel more positive, and this can even help to rewire your own brain if you have been having a hard time seeing the bright side at work.
Communicate If your team is experiencing a lack of trust or empathy, it may be because they feel like they are being left in the dark. They don’t have a clear direction, or they don’t know the state or direction of the company. If you are in a leadership position, be as transparent as you can. Sit your team down and allow them to ask you any questions that have been weighing on them. Get clarification from your superior before you do this so you know what you can and can’t share. Then be honest. If you are not in a leadership position, you can still encourage your leadership team to communicate. If you have a way to boost office morale (which increase productivity and job satisfaction) it is most likely your leadership team will want to hear about it.
Create a dream board with your team. Manifestation is a powerful tool. Ask your team members for their goals for 2022 and add them to a dream board under each of their names. Then have them each add the steps they are going to take to reach their goals and other goals they want to accomplish along the way. Talk about the board with your team and how each member can support the others in accomplishing their goals. Put your team dream board somewhere that the team can see it everyday (a conference room, company intranet if allowed, in your team files if everyone works remotely). Revisit the team dream board throughout the year and talk about the progress on your goals.
Discuss a Team Vision for the year. This is a combined goal. What does your team as a whole want to accomplish in 2022. Discuss it, write it down, have everyone help figure out what they need to contribute to reach this goal. We have a more extensive version of this in course 8 and 9 of our Leadership Institute along with tools and tips to get your team onboard.
Recognize and reward Find ways to reward your team. Recognize their hard work, do it often and do it publicly. This doesn’t always mean a monetary reward. Most employees just want to know that their contributions matter and that their work is appreciated. But if it has been a while since you gave your employees a bonus, raise, promotion, or since you’ve invested in their development, now is a good time to reevaluate and do it. Someone that feels appreciated will always do more than expected.
Try any or all of these ideas and watch changes happen. Getting your team back on track is merely a matter of getting them to work together and feel better about their status within the company.
It is important to note that occasionally there is a bad apple that is bringing the whole team down. If that is the case, it will be crucial to make adjustments appropriately. As Perry Belcher said, “Nothing will kill a great employee faster than watching you tolerate a bad one.” It may be that your bad apple just doesn’t like their job, or they are burnt out. As a leader it is your job to help them transition to a better environment for them.
We wish you and your team peace and happiness in 2022. As always, reach out to us if you’re interested in leadership development and collaborative learning sessions for your team.
Learn more about our Leadership Institute.